Green Roofing for Commercial Buildings

March 22nd, 2022

Green Roofing for Commercial Buildings

Sustainability matters.  As cities grow and societies become more complex, the impact of human life on the environment is becoming frighteningly clear – we’re creating climate change which has devastating consequences for all life on earth.  To this end, new building practices that focus on sustainability are setting the trend for future development.  Green roofing is one building practice that has a variety of environmental benefits.

Green roofing is suitable for almost any type of building – large or small.  Residential homes, apartments and condos, industrial facilities, and parking garages can all be constructed with green roofing.  Nevertheless, let’s focus on some of the applications and benefits of green roofing for commercial building.

First, let’s talk money – after all, commercial enterprises exist to make money.  Fortunately, green roofing not only addresses many of the livability issues arising in urban centres, it also enhances the performance and appearance of commercial properties while reducing many costs.  Without a doubt, green roofs will save money over the long term.  Even if we just consider heating and cooling costs, green roofs will essentially pay for themselves by reducing these costs. 

Moreover, green roofs increase a building’s resale value while also giving the building a competitive advantage when it comes to finding tenants.  Indeed, commercial properties featuring green roofs attract potential tenants not only because of reduced energy costs but also because these buildings are more interesting and attractive.

Still, the main reasons to consider green roofs for your commercial project are the livability issues that dense, urban population has created.  The heat-island effect, storm water mitigation, and biodiversity and habitat issues are major concerns that need to be addressed and green roofing may be the answer.  Let’s take a closer look.

The heat-island effect refers to the increased use of concrete and glass in urban construction that has resulted in increased temperatures in dense urban areas.  Average urban temperatures regularly exceed those of surrounding rural or suburban areas simply due to a lack of vegetation in the city.  Green roofs ameliorate this heat-island effect by providing shade and removing heat from the air.

Another urban problem resulting from the use of concrete and asphalt in construction relates to storm water mitigation.  During rain storms, demands on storm water infrastructure are considerable and flash floods can result.  Green roofs help urban centres manage storm water as they act as sponges to capture or slow the movement of storm water. 

Finally, commercial roofing projects that feature green roofs can help improve biodiversity by replacing habitats for insects and birds.  Green roofs certainly make buildings more physically attractive, but they can also contribute to creating a healthy environment that promotes a healthy food supply.

Ultimately, there are many excellent reasons to invest in green roofing for commercial buildings, and the cost of these roofs needn’t be prohibitive especially when you consider the many benefits these roofs bring.