Quick Roof Repair

May 8th, 2013

Quick Roof RepairYour roof is an important structural component of your home, and it also provides necessary protection from the elements: rain, snow, wind, and other weather.  While most roofing repairs should be addressed by a professional, there are some small problems that can be solved quickly and easily for the experienced do-it-yourself homeowner.  A small leak is the perfect example of the kind of quick roof repair that can often be handled by a novice, but more serious roof issues should always be seen by a qualified roofing contractor.

Before the Repair

Before you attempt to repair a leak, you should ask yourself a few questions.  Some overhead leaks are the result of fairly minor problems like a torn shingle or a hole in your flashing.  These kinds of damage can generally be repaired with some basic tools.  However, more complicated situations call for a roofer’s experience and skill; if you have failed to fix a leak after multiple attempts, call a roofer.  Also, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are there multiple leaks?
  2. Are you unable to trace the source of the leak?
  3. Are your attempts at repair not holding?
  4. Can you see signs of damage to the roofing surface or the interior of your home?
  5. Are you uncomfortable working with the materials that comprise your roof?

If you have answered yes to any or all of these questions, your roofing repair will require the expertise of roofing professional and you should contact a contractor immediately.

Quick Roof Repair Tips

Assuming you have been able to locate the source of a minor leak, and you cannot see any structural damage, you may decide to fix the leak yourself.  After a bad storm, it is not uncommon for shingles to become damaged so you’ll want to prevent future damage and protect your roof and home.  You’ll need to gather a few supplies: a tube of roofing cement, aluminum flashing, a pry par, and a trowel.  Start by cutting the flashing so that it is slightly larger than the tear in your shingle.  Carefully pry up the damaged shingle and slide the aluminum flashing under the tear.  Apply two or three thick beads of roofing cement to the under-surface of the shingle and press the shingle against the flashing.  Finally, apply more roofing cement over the tear to create a better seal.

This quick roof repair should be sufficient until your roof requires more major repairs.  Throughout the storm season, you may find yourself needing to complete these repairs on multiple occasions.  If this is the case, your shingles are likely showing signs of aging and may need to be replaced entirely.  When leaks recur, you should always contact a roofing expert.